Department of Earth Sciences,
Earth's Evolution and Environment, Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Ehime University

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Study the past, and the present of the Earth dynamics and evolution. Think about Future Earth.

Members (as of February 1, 2025)

Specialty Title Name More Info E-mail (
ProfessorISHIMATSU, Naoki
Solid Earth DynamicsProfessorKAMEYAMA, Masanorihome
High-pressure Earth ScienceProfessorNISHIHARA, Yuhome
Mineral PhysicsProfessorTSUCHIYA, Junhome
Mineral PhysicsProfessorTSUCHIYA, Takuhome
High-pressure Earth ScienceAssociate Prof.OHUCHI, Tomohirohome
High-pressure Earth ScienceAssociate Prof.SAKAI, Takeshi
Computational PhysicsSenior Assistant Prof.DEKURA, Haruhiko
High-pressure Earth ScienceSenior Assistant Prof.GREAUX, Steeve Georgi
Senior Assistant Prof.KUWAHARA, Hideharu
Assistant Prof.INOUE, Sayako
Assistant Prof.ZHANG, Youyue
Petrology and Mineralogy
Specialty Title Name More Info E-mail (
PetrologyAssociate Prof.SAITO, Satoshi
MineralogySenior Assistant Prof.ENJU, Satomi
MineralogySenior Assistant Prof.SHIROSE, Yohei
Geology and Paleontology
Specialty Title Name More Info E-mail (
Geology and StratigraphyProfessorHORI, Rie, S.home
Vertebrate PaleontologyProfessorTSUBAMOTO, Takehisahome
PaleontologyAssociate Prof.KUSUHASHI, Naohome
PaleontologyAssociate Prof.OKAMOTO, Takashi
Specialty Title Name More Info E-mail (
Physical OceanographyProfessorGUO, Xinyuhome
Coastal OceanographyProfessorMORIMOTO, Akihiro
Paleoceanography and PaleolimnologyProfessorKUWAE, Michinobuhome
Physical OceanographyAssistant Prof.USHIJIMA, Yusuke
Former Faculty Members
Name Specialty Present Affiliation Date
KONO, YoshioHigh-pressure Earth ScienceKwansei Gakuin UniversityApril 1, 2024
YOSHIE, NaokiEcosystem modellingEhime University (Institute for the Promotion of Science and Technology)November 1, 2023
OHFUJI, HiroakiMineralogy and High-pressure Earth ScienceTohoku University (Cross-appointed from October 2020 to March 2021)April 1, 2021
ABRAJEVITCH, AlexandraPaleomagnetism(retirement)March 31, 2021
NISHI, MasayukiHigh-pressure Earth ScienceOsaka UniversityMarch 1, 2021
INOUE, ToruHigh-pressure Earth ScienceHiroshima University (Cross-appointed from April 2017 to March 2020)April 1, 2020
IRIFUNE, TetsuoHigh-pressure Earth Science(retirement)March 31, 2020
MORI, HiroshiMeteoritics(retirement)March 31, 2020
NOMURA, RyuichiHigh-pressure Earth ScienceKyoto UniversityJanuary 1, 2019
YAMAMOTO, Akihiko Solid Earth Physics (retirement) March 31, 2018
KUWAYAMA, Yasuhiro High-pressure Earth Science University of Tokyo January 1, 2017
ITAI, Takaaki Environmental Geochemistry National Institute for Minamata Disease July 10, 2016
SAKAKIBARA, Masayuki Environmental Petrology Ehime University (Faculty of Collaborative Regional Innovation) April 1, 2016
MINAKAWA, Tetsuo Mineralogy (retirement) March 31, 2015
TANGE, Yoshinori High-pressure Earth Science Japan Synchrotron Radiation Research Institute August 1, 2014
ISOBE, Atsuhiko Physical Oceanography Kyushu University April 1, 2014
KAWASAKI, Toshisuke Experimental Petrology (retirement) March 31, 2013
NISHIYAMA, Norimasa High-pressure Earth Science Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DESY) April 1, 2012
OHNO, Ichiro Solid Earth Physics (retirement) March 31, 2012
WHITAKER, Matthew L. High-pressure Earth Science National Synchrotron Light Source, Brookhaven National Laboratory July 1, 2011
YAMADA, Akira Seismology Ehime University January 1, 2009
NARA, Masakazu Paleontology and Sedimentology Kochi University October 1, 2008
ZHAO, Dapeng Seismology Tohoku University April 1, 2007
INOUCHI, Yoshio Environmental Geology Waseda University April 1, 2007
YAMAZAKI, Daisuke High-pressure Earth Science Okayama University April 1, 2005
