西原 遊 (にしはら ゆう, Yu
NISHIHARA) English page
電話: 089-927-8150, FAX:
Eメール: nishihara.yu.mc@ehime-u.ac.jp
学位: 博士(理学)(2003年3月東京工業大学)
所属学会: 日本地球惑星科学連合, 日本鉱物科学会,
日本高圧力学会, American Geophysical
1994年4月〜1998年3月 東京工業大学理学部(地球惑星科学科)
1994年4月〜1998年3月 東京工業大学大学院理工学研究科地球惑星科学専攻修士課程
2000年4月〜2003年3月 東京工業大学大学院理工学研究科地球惑星科学専攻博士課程・日本学術振興会特別研究員DC1
2003年4月〜2004年3月 Yale大学地質学地球物理学科ポスドク研究員
2004年4月〜2004年10月 日本学術振興会特別研究員PD (受け入れ機関:東京大学物性研究所)
2004年 11月〜2008年10月
2008年 11月〜2013年3月 愛媛大学上級研究員センター上級研究員(講師)(地球深部ダイナミクス研究センター関連)
2013年 4月〜2020年9月 愛媛大学地球深部ダイナミクス研究センター准教授
2020年 10月〜
論文 (#は代表作)
68. 西原遊*, 中田輝, 松影香子,
肥後祐司, 丹下慶範
高圧力の科学と技術 (2024) 34, 81-88. PDF
67. Wentian Wu*, Yu Nishihara, and Noriyoshi Tsujino
preferred orientation of phase D at high pressure and temperature: implications
for seismic anisotropy in the mid-mantle,
Journal of
Geophysical Research: Solid Earth (2024) 129, e2024JB029734.
66. Yohan Park, Tatsuya Wakamatsu, Shintaro, Azuma, Yu Nishihara, and
Kenji Ohta*
of the lattice preferred orientation of hcp iron transformed from the single‑crystal
bcc phase in situ at high pressures up to 80 GPa,
Physics and
Chemistry of Minerals (2024) 51, 31.
65. Goru Takaichi*, Yu Nishihara, Kyoko N. Matsukage, Masayuki Nishi,
Yuji Higo, Yoshinori Tange, Noriyoshi Tsujino, and Sho Kakizawa
Limited stability of
hydrous SiO2 stishovite in the deep mantle,
Earth and
Planetary Science Letters (2024) 640, 118790.
64. Kyoko N. Matsukage*, Yu Nishihara, Yoshinori Tange, and Yuji Higo
relation and equation of state of iron‐titanium oxyhydroxides with α‐PbO2
type crystal structure at deep mantle conditions,
Journal of
Geophysical Research: Solid Earth (2024) 129, e2023JB027906.
#63. Yu Nishihara*, Shunta Doi, Noriyoshi Tsujino, Daisuke Yamazaki,
Kyoko N. Matsukage, Yumiko Tsubokawa, Takashi Yoshino, Andrew R. Thomson, Yuji
Higo, and Yoshinori Tange
of hexagonal close-packed (hcp) iron,
Journal of
Geophysical Research: Solid Earth (2023) 128, e2022JB026165.
62. Andrew R. Thomson*, Yu Nishihara, Daisuke Yamazaki, Noriyoshi
Tsujino, Simon A. Hunt, Yumiko Tsubokawa, Kyoko N. Matsukage, Tomoaki Kubo, and
David P. Dobson
results from the new deformation multi-anvil press at the Photon Factory: insight
into the creep strength of calcium silicate perovskite,
In: T.
Nakagawa, M. Satish-Kumar, T. Tsuchiya
(Eds.), Core-Mantle Coevolution: A Multidisciplinary Approach,
American Geophysical Union (2023) pp. 59-73.
61. Yohan Park, Shintaro Azuma*, Keishi Okazaki, Kentaro Uesugi, Masahiro
Yasutake, Yu Nishihara, and Ryuichi Nomura
Development of lattice-preferred
orientations of MgO periclase from strain rate controlled shear deformation
experiments under pressure up to 120 GPa,
Research Letters (2022) 49, e2022GL100178.
60. Noriyoshi Tsujino*, Daisuke Yamazaki, Yu Nishihara, Takashi Yoshino,
Yuji Higo, and Yoshinori Tange
Viscosity of
bridgmanite determined by in situ stress and strain measurements in uniaxial
deformation experiments,
Advances (2022) 8, doi: 10.1126/sciadv.abm1821.
59. Yoshiyuki Okuda*, Kenji Ohta, Yu Nishihara, Naohisa Hirao,
Tatsuya Wakamatsu, Sho Suehiro, Saori I. Kawaguchi, and Yasuo Ohishi
Low-spin ferric iron
in primordial bridgmanite crystallized from a magma ocean,
Reports (2021) 11, 19471.
58. 西原遊*, 辻野典秀, 久保友明,
山崎大輔, 土居峻太, 今村公裕,
高圧力の科学と技術 (2020) 30, 78-84.
57. Yu Nishihara*, Shunta Doi, Hideitsu Hino, Yuji Higo, and Yoshinori
effect on the electromotive force of the type R thermocouple,
High Pressure
Research (2020) 40, 205-218.
#56. Yu Nishihara*, Shunta Doi, Sho Kakizawa, Yuji Higo, and Yoshinori
of pressure on temperature measurements using WRe thermocouple and its
geophysical impact,
Physics of
the Earth and Planetary Interiors (2020) 298, 106348.
55. Xingcheng Liu*, Kyoko N. Matsukage*, Yu Nishihara, Toshihiro Suzuki,
and Eiichi Takahashi
Stability of hydrous phases of
Al-rich phase D and Al-rich phase H in deep subducted oceanic crust,
Mineralogist (2019) 104, 64-72.
54. Kenji Ohta*, Yu Nishihara, Yuki Satoh, Kei Hirose, Takashi Yagi,
Saori I. Kawaguchi, Naohisa Hirao, and Yasuo Ohishi
experimental examination of thermal conductivity anisotropy in hcp iron,
Frontiers in
Earth Science (2018) 6, 176, 10.3389/feart.2018.00176.
#53. Yu Nishihara*, Tomohiro Ohuchi, Takaaki Kawazoe, Yusuke Seto, Genta
Maruyama, Yuji Higo, Ken-ichi Funakoshi, Yoshinori Tange, and Tetsuo Irifune
crystallographic-preferred orientation of hcp-iron: An experimental study using
a deformation-DIA apparatus,
Earth and
Planetary Science Letters (2018) 490, 151-160.
52. Kyoko N. Matsukage*, Mika Hashimoto, and Yu Nishihara
stability of hydrous liquid droplets at grain boundaries of eclogite minerals
in the deep upper mantle,
Journal of
Mineralogical and Petrological Sciences (2017) 112, 346-358.
51. Noriyoshi Tsujino*, Yu Nishihara, Daisuke Yamazaki, Yusuke Seto,
Yuji Higo, and Eiichi Takahashi
Mantle dynamics inferred
from the crystallographic preferred orientation of bridgmanite,
(2016) 539, 81-84, doi:10.1038/nature19777.
50. Takaaki Kawazoe*, Yu Nishihara, Tomohiro Ohuchi, Nobuyoshi Miyajima,
Genta Maruyama, Yuji Higo, Ken-ichi Funakoshi, and Tetsuo Irifune
strength of ringwoodite measured at pressure-temperature conditions of the
lower part of the mantle transition zone using a deformation-DIA apparatus,
Earth and
Planetary Science Letters (2016) 454, 10-19.
49. Yu Nishihara*, Genta Maruyama, and Masayuki Nishi
kinetics of forsterite reaction rims at high-pressure,
Physics of
the Earth and Planetary Interiors (2016) 257, 220-229.
48. Yu Nishihara*, Kazuki Fuke, Yoshinori Tange, and Yuji Higo
of pressure effect on thermocouple electromotive force using multi-anvil
High Pressure
Research (2016) 36, 121-139.
47. Yu Nishihara* and Kyoko N. Matsukage*
oxyhydroxides as water carriers in the Earth’s deep mantle,
Mineralogist (2016) 101, 919-927.
46. Tomohiro Ohuchi*, Yu Nishihara, Yusuke Seto, Takaaki Kawazoe,
Masayuki Nishi, Genta Maruyama, Mika Hashimoto, Yuji Higo, Ken-ichi Funakoshi,
Akio Suzuki, Takumi Kikegawa, and Tetsuo Irifune
situ observation of crystallographic preferred orientation of deforming olivine
at high pressure and high temperature,
Physics of
the Earth and Planetary Interiors (2015) 243, 1-21.
45. Kyoko N. Matsukage*, Yu Nishihara, Fumiya Noritake, Katsuyuki
Kawamura, Noriyoshi Tsujino, Moe Sakurai, Yuji Higo, Junichi Nakajima, Akira
Hasegawa, and Eiichi Takahashi
Elastic wave
velocity anomalies of anorthite in subducting plate: In situ experiments,
Mineralogist (2015) 100, 1856-1865.
#44. Yu Nishihara*, Tomohiro Ohuchi, Takaaki Kawazoe, Dirk Spengler,
Miki Tasaka, Takumi Kikegawa, Akio Suzuki, and Eiji Ohtani
of fine-grained forsterite aggregate at deep upper mantle conditions,
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth
(2014) 119, doi:10.1002/2013JB010473.
43. Masayuki Nishi*, Tetsuo Irifune, Jun Tsuchiya, Yoshinori Tange, Yu
Nishihara, Kiyoshi Fujino and Yuji Higo
of hydrous silicate at high pressures and water transport to the deep lower
Geoscience (2014) 7, 224-227, doi:10.1038/ngeo2074.
42. Masayuki Nishi*, Yu Nishihara, and Tetsuo Irifune
kinetics of MgSiO3 perovskite reaction rim between stishovite
and periclase up to 50 GPa and its implication for grain boundary diffusivity
in the lower mantle,
Earth and
Planetary Science Letters (2013) 377-378, 191-198.
41. Noriyoshi Tsujino*, Yu Nishihara, Yoichi Nakajima, Eiichi Takahashi,
Ken-ichi Funakoshi, and Yuji Higo
of state of g-Fe: reference density for
planetary cores,
Earth and
Planetary Science Letters (2013) 375, 244-253.
40. Takaaki Kawazoe*, Tomohiro Ohuchi, Yu Nishihara, Norimasa Nishiyama,
Kiyoshi Fujino, and Tetsuo Irifune
anisotropy in the mantel transition zone induced by shear deformation of
Physics of
the Earth and Planetary Interiors (2013) 216, 91-98.
39. Masayuki Nishi*, Tomoaki Kubo, Hiroaki Ohfuji, Takumi Kato, Yu Nishihara,
and Tetsuo Irifune
Si-Al interdiffusion in garnet and stagnation of subduing slabs,
Earth and
Planetary Science Letters (2013) 361, 44-49.
38. Yu Nishihara*, Yoichi Nakajima, Akihiko Akashi, Noriyoshi Tsujino,
Eiichi Takahashi, Ken-ichi Funakoshi, and Yuji Higo
compression of face-centered cubic iron,
Mineralogist (2012) 97, 1417-1420.
37. Tomohiro Ohuchi*, Yu Nishihara, Takaaki Kawazoe, Dirk Spengler, Rei
Shiraishi, Akio Suzuki, Takumi Kikegawa, and Eiji Ohtani
in hydrous melt-bearing dunite: Implications for shear localization in Earth’s
upper mantle,
Earth and
Planetary Science Letters (2012) 335-336, 59-71.
36. Tomohiro Ohuchi*, Takaaki Kawazoe, Yu Nishihara, and Tetsuo Irifune
of olivine a-axis alignment induced by water: origin of seismic anisotropy in
subduction zones,
Earth and
Planetary Science Letters (2012) 317-318, 111-119.
35. Takaaki Kawazoe*, Yu Nishihara, Tomohiro Ohuchi, Norimasa Nishiyama,
Yuji Higo, Ken-ichi Funakoshi, and Tetsuo Irifune
situ stress-strain measurements in a deformation-DIA apparatus at P-T
conditions of the upper part of the mantle transition zone,
Mineralogist (2011) 96, 1665-1672.
34. 西原遊*
高圧力の科学と技術 (2011) 21, 137-143.
33. Yoichi Nakajima*, Eiichi Takahashi, Nagayoshi Sata, Yu Nishihara,
Kei Hirose, Ken-ichi Funakoshi, and Yasuo Ohishi
property and high-pressure stability of Fe7C3:
Implication for iron-carbide in the Earth’s core,
Mineralogist (2011) 96, 1158-1165.
32. Tomohiro Ohuchi*, Takaaki Kawazoe, Yu Nishihara, Norimasa Nishiyama,
and Tetsuo Irifune
pressure and temperature fabric transitions in olivine and variations in upper
mantle seismic anisotropy,
Earth and
Planetary Science Letters (2011) 304, 55-63.
31. Takaaki Kawazoe*, Norimasa Nishiyama, Yu Nishihara, and Tetsuo
experiments at P-T conditions of the mantle transition zone using D-DIA,
Physics of
the Earth and Planetary Interiors (2010) 183, 190-195.
30. Yu Nishihara*, Ken-ichi Funakoshi, Yuji Higo, Noriyoshi Tsujino,
Takaaki Kawazoe, Tomoaki Kubo, Akira Shimojuku, Hidenori Terasaki, and Norimasa
relaxation experiments of olivine under Earth's deep upper mantle conditions,
Physics of
the Earth and Planetary Interiors (2010) 183, 164-174.
29. Takaaki Kawazoe*, Tomohiro Ohuchi, Norimasa Nishiyama, Yu Nishihara,
and Tetsuo Irifune
deformation experiment of ringwoodite at 20 GPa and 1700 K using a D-DIA
Journal of
Earth Science (2010) 21, 517-522.
28. Tomohiro Ohuchi*, Takaaki Kawazoe, Norimasa Nishiyama, Yu Nishihara,
and Tetsuo Irifune
development of simple shear deformation experiments using a deformation-DIA
Journal of
Earth Science (2010) 21, 523-531.
27. Kyoko N. Matsukage*, Seiichi Kikuchi, Shigeaki Ono, Yu Nishihara,
and Takumi Kikegawa
and seismic velocities of chromitite body in oceanic mantle peridotite,
Mineralogist (2010) 95, 1422-1428.
26. Noriyoshi Tsujino* and Yu Nishihara
Effect of
pressure on grain-growth kinetics of ferropericlase to lower mantle conditions,
Research Letters (2010) 37, doi:10.1029/2010GL043491.
25. Ken-ichi Funakoshi*, Yuji Higo, Yu Nishihara
two-dimensional angle-dispersive x-ray diffraction measurement system using a
Kawai-type multianvil press at SPring-8,
Journal of
Physics: Conference Series (2010) 215, 012107.
24. Takaaki Kawazoe*, Norimasa Nishiyama, Yu Nishihara, and Tetsuo
generation to 25 GPa using a cubic anvil apparatus with a multi-anvil 6-6
High Pressure
Research (2010) 30, 167-174.
23. Yu Nishihara*, Ken-ichi Funakoshi, Yuji Higo, Hidenori Terasaki,
Norimasa Nishiyama, Tomoaki Kubo, Akira Shimojuku, and Noriyoshi Tsujino
measurement under high-pressure using Kawai-type multi-anvil apparatus combined
with synchrotron radiation,
Journal of
Synchrotron Radiation (2009) 16, 757-761.
22. Akihiko Akashi, Yu Nishihara*, Eiichi Takahashi, Yoichi
Nakajima, Yoshinori Tange, and Ken-ichi Funakoshi
Orthoenstatite/clinoenstatite phase
transformation in MgSiO3 at high-pressure and high-temperature
determined by in-situ X-ray diffraction: Implications for nature of the
Journal of
Geophysical Research (2009)114, doi:10.1029/2008JB005894.
21. Yoshinori Tange*, Yu Nishihara, and Taku Tsuchiya
analyses in P-V-T equation of state of MgO: a solution for
pressure-scale problems in high P-T experiments,
Journal of
Geophysical Research (2009) 114, 10.1029/2008JB005813.
20. Yoshinori Tange*, Eiichi Takahashi, Yu Nishihara,
Ken-ichi Funakoshi, and Nagayoshi Sata
Phase relations
in the system MgO-FeO-SiO2 to 50 GPa and 2000°C: an application of
experimental techniques using multianvil apparatus with sintered diamond anvils,
Journal of
Geophysical Research (2009) 114, doi:10.1029/2008JB005891.
19. Koichi Sakamaki, Eiichi Takahashi*, Yoichi Nakajima, Yu
Nishihara, Ken-ichi Funakoshi , Toshihiro Suzuki, and Yuh Fukai
phase relation of FeHx to 20 GPa: Implications on the
temperature of the Earth’s core,
Physics of
the Earth and Planetary Interiors (2009) 174, 192-201.
18. Noriyoshi Tsujino* and Yu Nishihara
kinetics of ferropericlase at high-pressure,
Physics of
the Earth and Planetary Interiors (2009) 174, 145-152.
17. 西原遊*
高圧力の科学と技術 (2008) 18, 223-229.
16. Konstantin D. Litasov*, Eiji Ohtani, Yu Nishihara, Akio
Suzuki, and Ken-ichi Funakoshi
equation of state of Al- and Fe-bearing phase D,
Journal of
Geophysical Research (2008) 113, doi:10.1029/2007JB004937.
#15. Yu Nishihara*, David Tinker, Takaaki Kawazoe, Yousheng
Xu, Zhicheng Jing, Kyoko N. Matsukage, and Shun-ichiro Karato
deformation of wadsleyite and olivine at high-pressure and high-temperature
using a rotational Drickamer apparatus (RDA),
Physics of
the Earth and Planetary Interiors (2008) 170, 156-169.
#14. Yu Nishihara* , Toru Shinmei, and Shun-ichiro Karato
Effect of
chemical environment on the hydrogen-related defect chemistry in wadsleyite,
Mineralogist (2008) 93, 831-843.
13. Konstantin D. Litasov*, Eiji Ohtani, Sujoy Ghosh, Yu
Nishihara, Akio Suzuki, and Ken-ichi Funakoshi
equation of state of superhydrous phase B to 27 GPa and 1373 K,
Physics of
the Earth and Planetary Interiors (2007) 164, 142-160.
12. Takashi Yoshino*, Yu Nishihara, and Shun-ichiro Karato
wetting of olivine grain boundaries by a hydrous melt near the mantle
transition zone,
Earth and
Planetary Science Letters (2007) 256, 466-472.
11. Azusa Shito*, Shun-ichiro Karato, Kyoko N. Matsukage, and Yu
Towards mapping
the three-dimensional distribution of water in the upper mantle from velocity
and attenuation tomography,
In: S.D.
Jacobsen, S. van der Lee (Eds.), Earth’s Deep Water
Cycle, Geophysical Monograph 168, American Geophysical Union (2006) pp.
10. Yu Nishihara*, Toru Shinmei, and Shun-ichiro Karato
kinetics in wadsleyite: Effects of chemical environment,
Physics of
the Earth and Planetary Interiors (2006) 154, 30-43.
9. Yu Nishihara*, Kyoko N. Matsukage, and Shun-ichiro Karato
Effects of
metal protection coils on thermocouple EMF in multi-anvil high-pressure
Mineralogist (2006) 91, 111-114.
8. Kyoko N. Matsukage*, Yu Nishihara, and Shun-ichiro Karato
signature of chemical differentiation in the Earth’s upper mantle,
Journal of
Geophysical Research (2005) 110, doi:10.1029/2004JB003328.
7. Yu Nishihara*, Keisuke Nakayama, Eiichi Takahashi,
Tomohiro Iguchi, and Ken-ichi Funakoshi
equation of state of stishovite to the mantle transition zone conditions,
Physics and
Chemistry of Minerals (2005) 31, 660-670.
6. Yousheng Xu*, Yu Nishihara, and Shun-ichiro Karato
Development of a
Drickamer apparatus for large-strain deformation experiments under Earth
In: J. Chen, Y.
Wang, T. Duffy, G. Shen, L. Dobrzhinetskaya (Eds.), Advances
in High-pressure Techniques for Geophysical Applications, Elsevier
Science, Amsterdam (2005) pp. 167-182.
#5. Yu Nishihara*, Ichiro Aoki, Eiichi Takahashi, Kyoko N.
Matsukage, and Ken-ichi Funakoshi
equation of state of majorite with MORB composition,
Physics of
the Earth and Planetary Interiors (2005) 148, 73-84.
4. Yu Nishihara*, Eiichi Takahashi, Kyoko N. Matsukage,
Tomohiro Iguchi, Keisuke Nakayama, and Ken-ichi Funakoshi
equation of state of (Mg0.91Fe0.09)2SiO4
Physics of
the Earth and Planetary Interiors (2004) 143-144, 33-46.
3. Yu Nishihara*, Eiichi Takahashi, Kyoko Matsukage, and
Takumi Kikegawa
equation of state of omphacite,
Mineralogist (2003) 88, 80-86.
2. Miki Shirasaka*, Eiichi Takahashi, Yu Nishihara, Kyoko
Matsukage, and Takumi Kikegawa
In situ X-ray
observation of the reaction dolomite = aragonite + magnesite at 900-1300 K,
Mineralogist (2002) 87, 922-930.
#1. Yu Nishihara* and Eiichi Takahashi
relation and physical properties of an Al-depleted komatiite to 23 GPa,
Earth and
Planetary Science Letters (2001) 190, 65-77.